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Gun Control Measure: In the wake of the elementary school shooting in Connecticut that claimed the lives of 28 people, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said that Democrats will work on passing new gun control legislation when Congress convenes in January. Feinstein told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that she plans to introduce a bill aimed at regulating assault weapons. (Read more)
Panel Probe: Outgoing Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., is calling for a “national commission on mass violence” after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Lieberman told “Fox News Sunday”: “I’ve got to tell you, this reminds me of the days and weeks after the terrorist attacks against us of 9/11. And, at one point, John McCain and I turned to each other and said, we can’t let this just go. We’ve got to create a national commission to investigate exactly the questions we’re asking about Newtown—how could this have happened and is there anything we can do to try to prevent it from happening again?” (Read more)
Boehner Capitulates: Finally, some progress to report on the fiscal cliff talks. John Boehner has signaled he’s giving up on the GOP’s austerity-only approach by proposing to raise taxes on millionaires, a first for the House speaker during these budget negotiations. However, Boehner has one condition for the president: Obama must agree to deep cuts in certain entitlement programs. (Read more)
On the Mend: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is recovering from a concussion that she sustained after she fainted and fell last week. Clinton has canceled all work-related events for this week, including two congressional panels looking into the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Bengahzi, Libya, that she was supposed to testify before. (Read more)
Pizza Pile On: What is it with fast-food pizza chain executives? First, Papa John’s CEO gets into a brouhaha over the cost of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Now the founder of Domino’s Pizza is suing the administration over its birth control mandate. Tom Monaghan, a devout Catholic, filed the lawsuit Friday because he believes contraception is a “gravely immoral” act and is not health care. (Read more)
Good Causes: Stephen Colbert is donating the remaining money from his super PAC—nearly $775,000—to charities benefiting victims of Hurricane Sandy and to campaign finance reform groups the Center for Responsive Politics and the Campaign Legal Center. Colbert shut down his Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow super PAC a week after the election. (Read more)
—Posted by Tracy Bloom.

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