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Noted crier John Boehner has something to really shed tears over now. On the heels of the Speaker’s Plan B to avoid the fiscal cliff being rejected in the House last week, a new Rasmussen poll shows the Republican is the least popular member of top congressional leadership.
One person undoubtedly thrilled to hear this news is Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who has held the dubious honor of being the most disliked leader in Congress for the past several years.
The Huffington Post:
The poll’s results are the worst for Boehner since he took that job, with his unfavorables up 7 points from November, and only 55 percent of Republicans giving him good marks. Pelosi was not far ahead, getting unfavorable reviews from half of voters, while Reid had a 42 percent unfavorable rating.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had a lower unfavorable rating, at 36 percent—perhaps good news after a poll from a Democratic firm found him to be deeply unpopular among voters in his home state.
Vice President Joe Biden, who serves as president of the Senate, was the only lawmaker polled to get a net positive rating—49 percent viewed him favorably, and 45 percent regarded him unfavorably.
Read more
—Posted by Tracy Bloom.

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