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Sarah Silverman wants more men—specifically the bros—to get on board with the pro-choice movement. “I love you bros, but some of you policymaking bros are passing all sorts of obnoxious laws and saying all sorts of nasty things about us ladies,” the comedian says in a new video posted on the humor site Funny or Die. In the video, she laments that “the bros who haven’t managed to get themselves elected aren’t really doing much about it at all.”
But Silverman is intent on fixing that predicament in a way only she can. In order to enlist more men to the cause, Silverman offers up this warning for all the bros out there: If they want to see a vagina ever again, then they better become “bro-choice.”
You might be wondering what exactly becoming “bro-choice” entails. Well, luckily for them, Silverman is there to explain. In the satirical public service announcement, the actress lays down the four simple rules for bros to follow.
Rule No. One: “The way to a woman’s heart is never through a mandatory vaginal ultrasound.”
Rule No. Two: “A little love for contraceptive equality never hurt anybody.”
Rule No. Four: “If you stand up for reproductive rights today, there’s a better chance that we’ll still be around tomorrow ... to blow you.”
The PSA might be satire, but the message is serious; Silverman made the video to advocate for the Center for Reproductive Rights’ Bill of Reproductive Rights.
Be Bro-Choice: A Public Service Announcement from Sarah Silverman from Sarah Silverman—Posted by Tracy Bloom.
TAGS: abortion bro-choice bros funny or die politics pro-choice reproductive rights sarah silverman women women's issues women's rightsRelated Entries

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