India-focused Jubilant Energy announced Tuesday the spudding of well KPL-3E-7, the first of a six-well development drilling campaign in the oil-producing Kharsang field in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
The Phase-III-Extension campaign was approved by the management committee for the Kharsang field in January after the conclusion of what Jubilant described as a successful seven-well Phase-III drilling campaign between July 2011 and August 2012. Six of the seven wells in the Phase-III campaign have been put into production and currently produce around 700 barrels of oil per day.
KPL-3E-7, which is located in the northwestern area of the field, is being drilled as an infill development well, with the H-00 reservoir sand layer as its primary objective and G-00 and D-00 sand layers as secondary objectives. The well is expected to take approximately three weeks to drill, said Jubilant.
Jubliant holds a 25-percent interest in the Kharsang field.
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