Our national #makeBPpay Twitter Day of Action is finally here! All day long, we’re asking people to send tweets to @BP_America demanding they pay the maximum fines for which they are liable for the 2010 gulf oil spill.
Despite BP’s advertising campaigns to the contrary, the gulf is still suffering from the spill. Last week, it was announced that 565,000 pounds of oil had washed ashore during Hurricane Isaac. And earlier this month, a three-mile long sheen of oil appeared in the gulf near the Macondo well. And some reports are suggesting that BP is negotiating a settlement offer that is significantly less than half of what they would face at trial. We can’t let that happen.
Join us in sending a strong message to BP that it’s time they pay the maximum fines for the oil spill. Simply visit our blog post and click on one of the sample tweets to get started. There are many messages to choose from so please feel free to send out multiple tweets throughout the day. And you can follow the conversation all day long by following the hashtag #makeBPpay on Twitter. Thanks for your support – now let’s #makeBPpay!
Robyn Fischer
Restoration and Water Resources Associate
National Wildlife Federation
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