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The Guardian Names Bradley Manning Its 2012 'Person of the Year'
Who Should Go to College?
Krugman Rips GOP Budget Plan, ‘SNL’ Spoofs Fiscal Cliff Negotiations, and More
Truthdigger of the Week: @KYAnonymous

Supreme Court Paved Way for Gay Marriage, Scalia Said Nearly a Decade Ago
The Metaphorical ‘War on Drugs’ Gets All Too Real
The Other Fiscal Cliff
Dunk Him

By Chris Hedges Dave Brubeck: A Love Affair
By E.J. Dionne, Jr. Cutting Through the Controversy About Indefinite Detention and the NDAA
By Cora Currier, ProPublica Who Should Go to College?
By Mike Rose

By Alexander Reed Kelly Reports of Publishing’s Death Are Exaggerated
By Susan Zakin Bill Murray Captures FDR’s Pain and Wit in ‘Hyde Park’
By Richard Schickel Dave Brubeck’s Alternative Ambitions

Dig led by Mike Rose Gore Vidal: His Life and Legacy
Dig led by Truthdig Staff

States of Emergency: The Object of American StudiesBy Russ Castronovo (Editor), Susan Gillman (Editor)
The Stillborn God: Religion, Politics, and the Modern WestBy Mark Lilla
Golf Shirt$23


As the “war on drugs” becomes increasingly militarized and violent, the symbolic phrase has become a bloody truth; more than 60 percent of Americans say that discrimination against the LGBT community is a serious issue; meanwhile, the NYPD thanks Occupy Wall Street for its help after Hurricane Sandy, albeit off the record. These discoveries and more below.
On a regular basis, Truthdig brings you the news items and odds and ends that have found their way to Larry Gross, director of the USC Annenberg School for Communication. A specialist in media and culture, art and communication, visual communication and media portrayals of minorities, Gross helped found the field of gay and lesbian studies.
Drugs and the National Security State
It started out as a metaphor: “the war on drugs.”
6 Myths about the Unemployed
Teresa Ghilarducci and Rick McGahey explode five myths about the unemployed.
Alarming Drone Crash on College Campus Turns Out to Be an Elaborate Hoax
Earlier this week, a drone appeared to have crashed on the University of California-San Diego campus, causing a stir among students and staff.
Pentagon planning for multinational military operation in Mali
U.S. military planners have begun to help organize a multinational proxy force to intervene next year in Mali, the famine-stricken, coup-wracked African country that has become a magnet for Islamist extremists, U.S. officials said Wednesday.
How to Save the Democratic Party
American progressives and principled liberals need to face an essential truth: the Democratic Party, as now constituted, is no longer an agency for realizing their ideals.
Bayou Frack-Out: The Massive Oil and Gas Disaster You’ve Never Heard Of
Located about 45 miles south of Baton Rouge, Assumption Parish carries all the charms and curses of southern Louisiana.
Two-Thirds of Americans: Anti-Gay Discrimination is a Problem
A new Gallup poll just released reveals that nearly two-thirds of Americans (63%) say that bias against the gay and lesbian community is either a “very serious” or a “somewhat serious” problem.
America Is Finally Closing Prisons. Now What Do We Do With Them?
Two years ago, the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics announced a small data point marking an inglorious milestone: In 2009, America’s prison population declined, and for the first time in decades.
Apple Will Make Macs in the USA
In a pair of new interviews, Apple CEO Tim Cook said his company will start manufacturing Mac computers in the United States next year.
NYPD (Quietly) Credits Occupy For Helping Fight Post-Sandy Crime
Occupy Wall Street was quick to set up shop to help people recover in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, collecting and handing out donations in New York City for those impacted by the superstorm.
3-D Printed Gun Only Lasts 6 Shots
A group of 3-D printing gunsmiths have taken another step toward making a gun you can download off the internet.
The New York Post Defends its Indefensible Photo
The photographer who captured a “doomed” subway rider, and did nothing to stop it, tries to paint himself as a hero.
Palestinian Workers ‘Not Welcome’ on Israeli Buses?
Every day, thousands of Palestinians go to work in Israel by taking the same buses as Jewish settlers.

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