Thursday, December 13, 2012

Your Questions About Oil Wells Refilling

Please help! What does this mean heating source: Oil when shopping around on buying homes?

What does it mean while looking up home features when shopping around for homes to buy, heating source: oil???
While others say heating source: electric. I know what electric is, just I have never heard of oil for heating source. I am assuming that has to do with manual distribution from myself to make the heat?? Or from a propane tank maybe that has to be refilled?? It’s a really nice house, but for that kind of thing have never experienced.

Also, well water for water supply to homes, how reliable is well water in most cases? I went to a friends grandmothers house and I remember her telling me in the winter, not to run water while brushing my teeth and take five minute showers. It was because of the temperature being under 30 degrees the water would freeze up in the well so quickly leaving us no water usage eventually.

It’s where I am wanting to buy a home I am coming across these questions. Thanks for your respones!

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