Thursday, May 23, 2013

Your Climate Change©

Start Date: March 1st;, 2013    End Date: April 22nd;, 2014 (Earth Day)

Dear Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon,

We, the People of the Earth, request You to act judiciously and expeditiously to protect the Earth from anthropogenic climate change.

People of the Earth

This petition will be delivered shortly after the end date to the United Nations Secretary-General's office by the originator Prof. Ranga B. Myneni of Boston, MA, USA.

There is now sufficient evidence that our way of living is causing unnatural changes in climate. Collectively, we own this damage and therefore we need to solve it together. It is YOUR CLIMATE CHANGE also. The scientists have been studying and reporting to the policy makers about the dangers of climate change for the past 25 years. Yet, there has been little meaningful action to solve this global problem affecting all life on Earth. The solution lies in convincing policy makers that this is a priority for all citizens of the World. Therefore, I started an online project to collect one billion signatures by Earth Day 2014 for a petition addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to act judiciously and expeditiously on anthropogenic climate change.

You can support by-
(1) Reading and signing the petition at
(2) Spreading the word to your (a) family, (b) friends, (c) colleagues and (d) acquaintances by-
(a) sharing using the Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ and Twitter links on
(b) Composing an email with the subject “Your Climate Change” and including the text of this post
(c) Post this message on your Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ pages and Tweet about it
(3) We can easily reach our goal. If one person can motivate at least 10 people to sign the petition, and they in turn can motivate 10 more to sign the petition and so on. All it takes is 9 such steps, provided that each signee is unique.
(4) Learn about climate change at

The petition originator is Prof. Ranga B. Myneni, Professor in the Department of Earth and Environment at Boston University. Myneni’s research focus is evaluating climate change impacts to vegetation using satellite data. Myneni has about 30 years of research experience. More at

View the original article here


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